If you dream and dream, every week is full of small victories and small disappointments. And some weeks have big disappointments or big victories.
Last night was a big victory of dreaming. Celebrate with me the creation of the Rockford High School Performing Arts Series.
One year ago, I proposed to my fellow RHS music staff to submit a proposal to the Rockford Education Foundation for their first-ever large “Founders’ Grant.” I drafted the proposal, led a presentation to their board, and then waited. When they surprised us with a giant check and balloons, we were overjoyed! Our vision was for a masterclass/performance series with noted artists coming to our hometown, and now we got to plan and book amazing musicians to come to Rockford.
Oh boy, now we get to plan.
Over the last few days it came to fruition with our first guest artists and first concert. Last night an audience of over 500 got to experience a world-class concert by Rich and Brandon Ridenour. On Wednesday more than 250 high school students got to interact with them in a masterclass that left them inspired by these remarkable musicians.

It was a marvelous feeling to have finally seen this big dream become a reality. We’ll be doing two concerts in the next school year; I can’t wait to have more opportunities to bring artists to my community and to my students.
A victory like this more than compensates for any recent disappointments, big or small.
Oh – one more thing. Rich was my wife Mandy’s piano teacher in high school; so when we knew he was coming, they put together a little 4-hands version of Libertango by Astor Piazzola. And by little, I mean virtuosic. (I got to turn pages.)