According to convincing research over decades from Carol Dweck and others, it’s far more educationally effective to praise kids for effort than for intellect.
The entire “gifted” terminology is a trap for kids: it creates a “fixed mindset” in people that convinces them they can only succeed at things they are gifted at. Praising effort will create a “growth mindset” that leads to the subconscious belief that anything is achievable with effort.
Which is why you will never hear me call my students talented. Hard-working, yes. Sings beautifully, sure. Smart musician, committed actor, good ear.
But I will go pretty far out of my way to avoid implying that their success is a result of something innate. (The same goes for my sons: they know they are clever; I try not to praise them for it.)
Praise and reward effort and you will set children up for a lifetime of success.