Do What You Can

You want to be able to do everything possible: all the potential good things. But you can’t, because there isn’t enough time.

Do what you can. Do enough.

Consider today’s midterm elections. Today, some people volunteered and drove neighbors to the polls. Some donated to candidates, went to rallies. Others have been vociferous on social media. Some wrote postcards or canvassed neighborhoods.

My friend Andrea wrote a beautiful new setting of “America The Beautiful” and offered it – free! – to anyone who votes and Tweets #VoicesThatVote. A former student, Ben, moved to a new area and helped run a campaign for a candidate he believes in.

I’m willing to bet no one has done all these things.

Do what you can. Do enough. Don’t feel bad that you didn’t do everything. Be proud for participating.

It’s true on election day but also in your creative and professional things. There are infinite right moves you can make in your life today. But you can’t do them all. So do what you can.