Digital Audition Management

I’ve been searching for the right audition management approach that provides all-digital audition form and signup. I think I finally found the right combination (and free!) with the following. (This is not paid – I’m just excited!).

For audition form, nothing beats a Google Form. all the information is in an easy to access format, reliably available, and more. With flexible question types, you can get the information you want easily, and you don’t have to do any deciphering of handwriting! I’ve used this system for awhile, and it’s been effective. (Here’s a copy of my recent Shades of Blue audition form).

For the actual signup, I’ve recently adopted the online tool that my elementary PTO has been using for a number of years – Signupgenius. For most choral program applications, this is free, and flexible. I easily added slots covering my entire audition window, at the duration I chose. Auditionees can easily sign up (without an account, even). You can keep names private, and add a header at the top with links to important information (for me, schedule, audition materials, and a link to the online audition form). Here’s my Shades of Blue audition signup.

With those two tools working in sync, I have been able to digitally manage my auditions while generating no extra paper. Next stop – managing my audition rubrics digitally…