
I love daily streaks. I love them because they pile motivation on top of motivation to keep going. A 1-month streak is harder to let break than a 5-day streak, and a 6-month streak is much more motivation than that 1-month streak.

I also think that the easiest streaks to maintain are daily. Think about it: probably the most universally maintained streak is something simple, small, and daily, like teeth brushing. Keeping a daily streak alive is, to me, a lot easier than keeping a weekly streak, or a weekday-only streak going.

Indeed, even though my students are charged with practicing 5 days a week for 5 minutes a day, I think the most successful are those who go for all 7 days – because the streak builds on itself, and a missed day breaks it.

And it adds up. If you posted a 30-second video of yourself singing every day, not only would you get better in a year, but you would have recorded over three hours in the space of a year. If you practice just 5 minutes a day, you’ve put in over 30 hours in a year, and made a streak you’re motivated not to break.

Today marks my own 5 year strike of daily posts on jedscott.com – a streak I don’t intend to break anytime soon.

The most recent missing date in my post archive.