Commencement Address

If they asked me to give a commencement address, here are four messages I would want to make sure the graduates heard loud and clear.

  1. Graduation Day isn’t an ending: it’s the beginning. Your four year journey has been about the University helping you cut a set of keys to the world. They’re yours now.
  2. There isn’t a deadline on success. You might not see the success you dream of early in your career. That doesn’t mean you aren’t worthy. Your journey might be winding, but that’s okay. It’s great, actually.
  3. Ask for help. Others have been where you are, and where you’re headed. Ask them for guidance, for mentorship, for conversation.
  4. Be kind. I actually think that’s the key to almost everything.

The years ahead will be hard and joyful. You will see success and failure. You will never stop asking whether you should keep making your art or stop dreaming. Keep making your art, and remember these things when you do.