Can I Do This?

“Can I do this?” is a perfectly appropriate question to ask at various points in a journey.

The problem is, we ask it at the wrong time. If you’re a runner, you’re mostly likely to ask, “Can I do this?” as you reach the top of a big hill. With the wind in your face. As it starts to sleet.

You’re less likely to ask it with the wind at your back, or when you’re feeling good about your progress.

But the answer you get back when you ask “Can I do this?” only at the most challenging moments is a biased answer: not reflective of all of reality.

So do yourself a favor. Ask yourself the question when things are going well. Say “Can I do this?” at the end of a great rehearsal. After an excellent mid-year concert. When you’re coasting down a slight hill with a gentle wind behind you.

Either ask it in all circumstances, or don’t ask it at all.