Busy People

Perhaps you know this good advice for leaders everywhere: If you want something done, ask a busy person.

The same goes for placing students – busy students are the most likely, once they carve out time for your choir, to get the job done well. They know how to manage their time, they understand commitment, and are generally driven to succeed.

So, cast a busy person.

But, then, acknowledge this flip side: have grace for the busy people in your life.

Your singers are deeply committed, but they’re also going to be asked to be at school board meetings to be honored as Student Athlete of the Month. They’re ready to lead sectionals, but sometimes their commitments to the school play will interfere. They will join a choir when a position opens up mid-semester (and learn all the music), but they’ll already have a performance schedule with their band on one of your concert days.

Have grace for these responsibilities your busy singers have. Don’t lower your standards, but have grace, offer flexibility, and show love. (And support when busy young people get overextended…)