
I am obsessed with a current remote recording project I’m working on. (Actually, I’m obsessed with several…) It’s a new kind of magic for me to watch a piece slowly come together, one voice at a time. It’s a blossoming of the art, segment by segment.

It reminds me of a quote from Clare Fischer included in Gene Lees’ liner notes for The Singers Unlimited’s album A Special Blend.

“If you’ve never seen them do it, it’s an amazing experience,” Clare said. “When they do the first vocal tracks, it doesn’t seem to make sense. And then they keep adding voices, and this incredible thing of beauty emerges.”

Recording remotely comes with significant production and coordination challenges – lots of prep work, lots of leg work, and lots of studio work. But it is not without its joys, and hearing a new recording blossom into being – slowly, over weeks – is incredible.