Before It’s Too Late

Sometimes we overdo it to the point of utter exhaustion. And sometimes in that exhausted state, we make a bad choice or lose perspective on a situation.* If we’re not careful, there can be long-term repercussions, professionally or personally.

What we need to learn is to recognize the point before it’s too late – before we arrive. Before it arrives, we can change course, rest, and/or delay major decisions or interactions. If we don’t redirect soon enough, we lose the opportunity. This is compounded doubly because in that exhausted state, we often lose our ability to admit to being impaired!

As an educator, August isn’t a time you’re likely to suffer from this problem. But it’s good to tuck it in your mental files, to be ready before it’s too late (That is, tech week of the musical/the day before festival/concert day/etc.).

We make better choices when we’re rested, and we lose the ability to recognize poor decisions when we’re not.

* (I may be watching a twelve-year-old in that state at this moment.)