
One of the goals I set for my students and work to incorporate, gradually and persistently, is autonomy.

That is, I want them to develop the ability to make music as an ensemble and as individuals, without an authority figure in front of them.

I thought that the most obvious example of that at my Aces Concert last night would be the opening set – five songs, no director in sight, with all introductions, pitches, solos, count offs, etc. done from within the group.

But the Aces did me one better! They surprised me by learning, polishing, choreographing (!), and performing a song completely on their own.

They took charge of their own music-making – they attained autonomy.

My deepest hope is that they take the lessons learned to heart and realize that they can continue to make music on their own. They don’t need a gatekeeper to be in charge of their music-making.