Ask Them Yourself

How do you promote your concert?

As I told my students tonight, posters are great. School announcements and promo videos are great. Social media is great.

But the most powerful way to get people to come to your concert is to ask them yourself.

Tell them when it is, and how much it would mean to you if they came. Tell them it’s important to you.

Of course, this is hard. It’s hard to stand up in your English class and say, “Come hear me sing.” But it is, hands down, the best way to get people to your concert.

Related: won’t you please come to the Rockford Aces Annual Concert on June 3, 2022 at 7pm? It’s an amazing two-hour show put on by my thirteen amazing students, is free, and comes with a free ice cream social afterwards. I am so proud of their work this year and want the whole world to see and hear them.