Arts Advocacy Day

Advocacy is among the most vital aspects of arts educator jobs that doesn’t get enough attention. Effective advocacy at every level is essential to the future of the arts, and yet arts educators are too busy and overcommitted to attend to it themselves.

If you’re an educator too busy to advocate regularly, take a minute to thank Americans for the Arts for holding their 31st annual Arts Advocacy Day in Washington D.C.

Today, delegates from across the country are being trained in effective advocacy and networking with fellow arts advocates. Tomorrow they will descend on representatives from their home states (that is, from your state) to actively speak about the value of the arts in our society, and urge adequate funding.

If you’re there, thank you.

If you’re not there, you can do these four things:

  1. Visit their website to learn more.
  2. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and post about the work they do. Try the hashtag #ArtsAdvocacyDay
  3. Donate a few dollars to help them with their mission.
  4. Find out who’s coming from your state, and thank them.