Always Dishes

There are always dishes to be done, if you cook and have a family.

Even when you’re sick, even when you’ve had the busiest of days. Even on Christmas. (especially on Christmas, if you like to make extra special goodies for your family!)

And so you do them.

It’s good to look at life and recognize what things are always going to be there, and that you’re always going to do, regardless of circumstances.

“If I’m at home, I’m going to be doing dishes today.”

But also…

If there’s a rehearsal, I’m going to _______.

If it’s a Sunday, I’m going to _______.

If I see someone I know, I’m always going to _______.

There are a lot of answers, and a lot statements that need answering. And of course, not every thing you do needs an always.

What is it for you? What are the three or four things that you always do? In what circumstances do you define your always? In what circumstances do you not?