All-State Jazz Choir 2021

By all rights, I should be introducing the Michigan All-State Jazz Choir right about now, and then standing in the back as they tear up the stage singing tight chords with skill and passion.

Of course that’s not the case: the Michigan Music Conference is virtual, and all of the traditional honors choir in-person events were canceled this year.

That didn’t stop MSVMA though: they curated three honors choir experiences, including vocal jazz! I got to be a part of the planning process, suggesting repertoire and conductor, and also got to hire, record, and mix the rhythm section – three wonderful Grand Rapids-area players. (Dave Proulx, Fred Knapp, Rob Hartman.)

It finally premiered tonight, with 24 high school singers giving wonderful performances, carefully mixed and edited by Overneath Creative Studios in Kalamazoo. My dear friends and mentor April Arabian Tini did a marvelous job rehearsing and conducting the ensemble in her own arrangement of “Like Someone in Love.”

Please enjoy!

Next year, we anticipated returning to in-person honors choirs, complete with a marvelous guest conductor from California, Christine Guter. But I am so proud and impressed that MSVMA was able to maintain the link and help keep the vocal jazz honor ensemble thriving in Michigan.