I have begun to see a few signs of a fresh recognition of the joy of group singing.
From students, from colleagues, from my own self. A fresh recognition of what it means to make music with a group of singers, and what it does for our spirits.
We have a long road ahead, reminding students who left along the way. It was hard during Zoom rehearsals – I don’t blame you. It was hard, and it was the opposite of joyful. Singing the second tenor part alone in your room is completely different from adding your voice to a joyful group.
So, it’s easy to understand how everyone has been feeling, even if they haven’t been putting any words around the feeling.
And it’s joyful to see exuberance about group singing come back.
Lean into that exuberance. Lean into that joy. Cultivate it, aim it, and develop it into a new vision for the future.