4 Keys To Getting Volunteers

How do you get more volunteers?

Every volunteer organization I’ve been part of has had a a small group of dedicated individuals who wished more people volunteered to help, to distribute the workload.

If you want more people to help, you need the following four things.

  1. Know specifically what needs you have. “Volunteer to help!” is not effective. Help on the attire team from 6-8pm on Tuesday, April 23 is effective.
  2. Communicate your needs. Explain why it’s not working without their help.
  3. Have tools for success available. Up front – before they sign up – describe the tools that you can give them to help succeed. Binders, google docs, pictures, one-on-one meeting time. Whatever it takes for them to feel confident in their success.
  4. Solicit signups directly. “Jane, can you volunteer for one of these six things?” Followed by, “Sam, Jane just took this item; which of them can you do?”

When I have been in meetings where all four of those things were in place, it’s always been a lot easier to engage volunteers in helping. Then we can all work together to make the world better.