I am very excited to announce that registration is now open for the 2020 edition of the Michigan Choral Commission Consortium. Membership is open to choirs of any age located in Michigan. (Past members include middle school, high school, community college, university, and community ensembles.)
I’m glad to be making this announcement on the first day of Women’s History Month, because all 2020 MC3 commissions will be of woman composers, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment.
As of this writing, we have made arrangements with two fabulous composers to write pieces for the 2020 consortium: Amy Bernon and Rosephanye Powell.
I’m so excited to bring more new works to singers across Michigan with the 4th edition of our consortium project. In addition to those two works, we will be holding two concurrent Composition Contests. More tomorrow announcing those contests.
As in past years, registration will be $300 to be a member of the 2020 Consortium. With that, you share premiere rights with all consortium members, have your ensemble listed as a member of the consortium in all scores, and will have access to additional materials and potential performance opportunities as they become available. Scores will become available beginning in August.
And remember this: an additional commission will be made for each ten consortium members! Your $300 goes further as the consortium gets larger, so be sure to invite your friends to join. We are capping the membership at 50 ensembles in 2020.
Click here to sign up for this year’s consortium, and be a part of this amazing project!
Past Consortium Commissions
(links to scores when published)
2016: Alice Parker
2018: Andrea Ramsey, Sean Ivory, Rollo Dilworth
2019: Z. Randall Stroope, Stacey V. Gibbs, Michael Bussewitz-Quarm