Types of Leaders in the Choir

A choir always needs more leaders coming from within the ensemble. But there’s more than one way to be a leader!

  • Section Leader. Know your parts, lead extra rehearsals, be the one to ask questions for your section.
  • Hey Guys! Leader. Speak up, call out, and generally police the ensemble from within.
  • Quietly Doing The Right Thing Leader. Don’t give in to the fun everyone else is having. Never speak up, but hope that your example will sway the singers around you into doing the right thing.
  • Starter Of The Fun Leader. Be ready with a joke to lighten the mood, check on your fellow singers to make sure they’re having a good time.

We all have to become the kind of leaders in the choir that jive with the kind of human beings we are – that’s my idea of a choir, anyway: it empowers us all to be better versions of ourselves.

But the best kind of leader is this one.

  • The Leader They Trust. By building trust among the ensemble, this leader can criticize, can gently call out, can point out problems. This leader’s strength is in the time they have spent building rapport, connection, and commonality with their colleagues.

It’s hard work to be this leader, but when you’ve done it, you are the leader who can get things done.