Sing With Your Kids

“Ah, music! A magic beyond all we do here!”
– Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone


The value of reading aloud to your child is well-documented. And the joy of sharing books like the Harry Potter series with your kids can’t be overstated.

Just as important, though often overlooked, is singing with your child.

We know that making music helps establish and enhance many brain functions – and kids love to learn and sing new songs.

Our current anti-amateur approach to music means we tend to leave the music to the professionals – a Pandora Children’s Music channel, perhaps? But singing together with your child will do far more for them on many levels.

Don’t worry about your voice, your ear, your sound. Just sing with your kids. Every day.

[PS: this goes for all elementary school teachers, too. Never let a day go by without singing in class.]