She Just Decided To

We all sometimes get to the point where we feel like we can’t achieve a goal. We are too far behind, too tired, too isolated, too unappreciated, too poor. We feel like our chance to begin has passed, and is too far in the past to attain.

We all do.

What is different about the person who overcame that feeling of failure? She just decided to.

She. Just. Decided. To.

If you want to change, decide to. Now. In some small way. Make it attainable, make it every day.

If you want to change how you treat a colleague, how much you practice, when you wake up, how much you procrastinate, how much exercise you get, how often you eat out, how much of your paycheck you save–just decide to.

It will not be easy, but you have the will to do it. Change is attainable, if you truly and sincerely decide to make it happen.

Anything you want – just do it!
Want to change the world?
There’s nothing to it!
–  Leslie Bricusse & Anthony Newley