Creative On Demand

Toss the talisman, lose the lucky charm, and halt the habits.

Professionals are creative on demand.

Morning, noon, night–whether you have a four-hour block or twenty minutes, you have the opportunity to create.

Think about it: you might have a favorite mug, but if it’s not available, you don’t skip your morning coffee.

Show up, trust the process, don’t judge the first things you create. Be creative on demand.

Your work and your life will be better if you can create without having to execute any habits.

Sure, you can have a favorite time of day in your office, or a type of pencil that you’ve used for your best work, or a lucky sweater; take advantage when you can, but don’t mistake favorable conditions for PRE-conditions. You don’t create because of those tools, you create with those tools.

You can create without any of those things, and if you come to really understand that, your creativity will be unleashed like never before.