60 Hours

If you spent 6 hours a day for two work weeks on a skill, how much better would you get? That’s two weeks of 9-4, Monday-Friday with an hour for lunch.
How good would you be at yo-yoing? How much more efficient would you be at washing dishes? Long division? Piano Comping?
Standardized Test Prep tutors promise a substantial gain in fewer contact hours than that. Most new-job training is less intensive. 
A typical 45-minute high school class will meet only about 65 hours over an entire semester.
I hope it’s clear to you that 60 hours of deliberate practice on any skill would lead to substantial gains.
Here’s your great news for the day. If you spend only ten minutes every day for one year on a new skill, you will tally that many hours. Nearly 61 hours of practice.

You can find ten minutes every day. What are you waiting for? Start!