The Timing of Success

Looking ahead, success can seem like a straight shot. Insert Tab A into Slot B/preheat the oven to 350º/don’t forget to floss…and you’ll be there in no time!

Success isn’t like that. You can start out next to an equally talented friend, and they might reach pinnacles years before you. They’ll be winning awards and flying first class to Europe while you’re still eating ramen.

Patience. Patience is what’s required. Keep doing the hard work of your craft every single day. The skills you are building will come together in their own time, and the result will be amazing art–just not on the schedule you might have predicted.

Early success is not the best success; keep working, keep struggling with your art and you’ll be rewarded. I believe in you.

Don’t compare your success to the person who you started with. Compare your art to the art you made yesterday. And keep moving forward.

Don’t give up! You are doing it right!