Thank You

Dear Seniors,

I read with relish your heartfelt tributes on social media and in letters; I watch your faces raw with emotion after our Farewell Concert. I love it all.

But today is also my chance to thank you.

Thank you for teaching me, for challenging me, for pushing me to be better.

Thank you for being human in my choir – for sharing a touch of reality in a world where reality and artistry don’t seem very valued.

Thank you for giving your all, demanding my all.

For laughter and tears, love and anger. For your joy at a perfectly delivered phrase and your disappointment at a forgotten word.

Thank you for being you and in the process, teaching me.

I have learned from you every day: to be a better teacher, a better musician, a better human. From you.

Choir is one of the last bastions of humanity in a fractured world. Thank you for being there with me.