Off To College

Precious students you’ve seen daily for four (or more) years are heading out to college in the coming days and weeks. You’re excited to see them rise to new heights, anxious to hear about their successes, and sad not to see them in your choirs and community going forward.

Here a few thoughts for them. It’s meant for everyone, but especially for the ones heading towards arts degrees.

  • Find your people. A college can be big; make it small by finding a small group of people with similar interests.
  • Nothing is happening in your dorm room. Universities work hard to create many cultural opportunities for you. Take advantage. Experience new art, especially.
  • Practice. You will most likely be making loan payments for a long time on this experience; you don’t want to look back and wish you had gotten more for your money.
  • Take pictures and write things down. You’ll want to remember someday. You’ll want to tell us stories when you’re home for Christmas.
  • Sing. Especially if it’s not your major. Don’t stop making music part of your daily life. If you don’t know how to find a choir at your college, ask these people. Or me.
  • Find a mentor. As quickly as possible, find a professor who you connect with and listen carefully to their advice. Let them push you as far as they can.
  • Don’t test the limits of freedom. You have far less supervision than you’ve ever had. Don’t test how far you can push that – widen your life experiences gently and with grace.
  • Don’t come home till ThanksgivingYou’ll be homesick. Experience it, work through it, and come out the other side stronger.
  • If it’s not right, that’s OKWe’ll welcome you home and nurture you until you find the right place for you.
  • Come back and let us know how it’s going. We can’t wait to hear.

Good luck to all college freshmen on your new journey. We’ll miss you.

(esp. SRK)