Live Only Today

I love breaks because they mostly let me live only today.

Looking ahead can come in small bursts, balanced by hours of playing with my kids, reading, cooking, traveling.

Today I am excited to spring back into work with preparations for the many events coming up on our choir calendar.

But I want to carry with me the feeling of living only today.

I could very easily fall into the trap of living many days today: I could conceivably live the next three or four weeks simultaneously. But the anxiety of that far outweighs the benefits.

Plan ahead, yes. Be mindful of what’s coming, of course. But live only today.

For me, it will be self reminders to come back to this moment. (Kids are great for that…) It’s letting preparations happen without letting them hook me.

What do you do to live only today? Are you able to balance that with feeling prepared for the future?