Bon Voyage, Katarina

Katarina Henryson has anchored The Real Group in the second position since their founding in 1984. Tonight marks her final a cappella concert with the group. After 32 years, she has a remarkable legacy of recordings (I personally own 20 different albums), live concerts (over 2,000), and lives affected by her beautiful personality and singing.

Please join me in wishing a joyous end of performances with The Real Group to Katarina. The best way is with some music featuring her; here are a few places to start.

(And also don’t forget to buy her recent duo album with her husband Svante!)

To close, I share this quote from Katarina from her farewell video last week. She shared that she had felt ambivalence over the years for not doing something more “useful” with her life – engineer, doctor, caregiver – but came to this conclusion.

“I…believe that if we continue to put our souls and minds and hearts into the arts then I think the world will become more hopeful, and more beautiful, and better in general.”

Katarina, you have certainly given the world hope and beauty, and made it incalculably better. Thank you & bon voyage…I can’t wait to see what you do next!