Irrational and Transcendental

I’ve had a love affair with the digits of Pi since at least 1993, when a mundane precalculus class led me to repetitively type digits into my calculator. At my peak, I had around 300 digits memorized. 22 years later, I can still get over 100 without warming up.

Today is the Pi Day of the Century, and I’m posting this blog at the moment when the first 9 digits are all represented in order (at least in U.S. date format). 3/14/15, 9:26:53.

In celebration of this most famous irrational and transcendental number, I am taking poetic liberty with those two words. I am challenging myself and you to do something irrational and something transcendent.

For my part, I am making the arguably irrational announcement that I am working on writing my first book.

And I intend to spend some transcendent time today immersing myself in my favorite vocal group album of all time, on headphones. (it’s The Singers Unlimited A Cappella III, you know.)

What irrational and transcendent experiences will you have today?


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