How We Listen

Non-intentional Listening (You are not in control of what comes next)

  • Muzak/Store Playlist
  • Radio
  • Pandora
  • Unlabeled mixtape

Intentional Listening (You are in control of you will hear next)

  • Repeat
  • Shuffle
  • Play-through (album or playlist listening)

Active Listening (You are actively engaging with the music being played)

  • Asking questions as you listen.
  • Understanding more at the end than when you began.
  • Can be engaged in both intentional and non-intentional situations.

Passive Listening (You are not actively engaging with the music being played)

  • Letting the music pass over you.
  • Favoring the emotional response.
  • Can be engaged in both intentional and non-intentional situations.

Every type of listening has its place, but they should be balanced. What type(s) of listening do you lean most towards? (I’m a play-through, Mandy’s a repeat. At Christmastime, we often use shuffle on our favorite albums).