Halloween Creativity

Creativity can be hard to fit in during a busy life of work commitments and home responsibilities.

I think that’s one of the reasons that many people get so excited about Halloween.

It the chance to be creative. Without judgement. Whatever your creation is, it’s an expression of your creativity.

Brené Brown doesn’t mince words when she says,

“Unused creativity is not benign–it metastasizes. It turns into grief, rage, judgement, sorrow, shame. We are creative beings. We are by nature creative. It gets lost along the way. It gets shamed out of us.”

So at least for one day a year, we get to be unhesitatingly creative in this one project. For one day, society actually encourages and celebrates our creativity.

And look at all the amazing creations shared on social media! What if we could harness that creativity every day?

[Incidentally, this might explain why I’ve never had a strong attraction to Halloween. Craftiness has never been my particular sphere of creation, and I have plenty of outlets for my own creativity.]