Directed Idleness

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Is your idleness directionless or directed?

Creative people know that they must find idleness as a way of making space for creation in their minds. For some, it’s an electricity-free month in a cabin; for others, it’s just rising before the rest of the world. This directed idleness comes with no guarantees, but it offers possibilities.

Meanwhile most of us work hard to fill our idleness with directionless stuff. Binge-watching, social media, fitness, side-hustles, and on and on. I think we’re afraid of having–or even appearing to have–idle time in our lives.

But creation demands idleness; if you want to make something new, reduce the directionless idle time. Don’t demand productivity with your newfound idle time; just be idle and trust.

It’s tip jar week here at Read more here or click here to chip in!